Mothers and Money

2 min readMay 12, 2021


Photo by Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash

There are so many kinds of mothers in the world. The working mother, the single mother, the homemaker mother, the best friend mother and so on.

I will talk about the group of ‘Homemaker Mother’. All of us know that these mothers will do anything to transform a house to home. They teach us how to walk and talk, eat and sleep, anything and everything that you need to survive in this big beautiful world!

You must be wondering why I am talking about things that we already know. Well, keep on reading…

My lovely mother is a homemaker. As a young kid, I would always encounter various dabbas (boxes) which when I bothered digging deeper, would find money. Ka-ching! It blew my mind how my mother thought this is a secret kept from her family. Ah that innocence! I could find paper money and coins in mustard dabba, rice dabba and many other dabbas.

When there was any emergency at home while my father was on business, (Mind you! Emergency here was depleting coriander leaves, not enough milk for the kids, tantrum from a kid for junk food) my mother used to proudly dig into one of these boxes, pull out some money and off she went to buy emergency things. Trust me, these emergencies were one too many when she had 3 kids at home.


My point of view is that you do not need this digital world to teach you about finances and some foundations of saving money. You can learn these things right at your home!

My mother taught me how an emergency fund can be created, how even small amounts can help in the time of need. Whether I do it is another question. But she taught me, and I realize it now after so many years!



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