Money Money Free Money!

2 min readJul 9, 2021


Photo by on Unsplash

Parents try hard to protect their kids from the hardships they faced.

They try to teach us everything that they know of. Walking, talking and sometimes even finances.

My parents taught me how every rupee is important.

When I was a kid, I was tasked to collect 5 Rs coins.

Now, as a kid I would search everywhere at home to find these coins.

When I was sent to buy some milk or coriander, I would eagerly wait for change tended by the shopkeeper.

When my dad came home after work, I would search his pockets for these coins.

Whenever I found these coins, I would make sure I keep them safe in a box or under the mattress (basically hide them from my siblings).

After a good collection, they made me count and we would deposit in an account and get myself a pat on the back. Mind you! These coins had a lot of hard work behind them.

Those were the times when single digit denominations were valued. What a simple world it was.

After a few years, the post office would give back my money along with some additional money. Oh wow! Free money! Alas the jingling coins and metallic smell on my fingers had paid off!

As a kid, I did not understand the idea of ‘interest’. But this is how I learnt that money in fact can make money. Putting away some money can make you some money.


Learnings can come through many experiences.

My parents taught me that SMALL is big.

When you start saving with lower denominations, you do not realize the burden of saving.

But, when you get that extra money as interest, I am sure it will be worth it!

The interest you gain for saving is the easiest money you make. All you need is some dedication! Go now and make some free money.



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