If Only

2 min readJun 8, 2021


Summers were the only time we could have ice-cream as kids.

We could find cones, tubs, cups, candies and what not.

My favorite was the softy.

They were not fancy but just some soft ice cream scooped up into an orange crispy cone.

Crowded corner, melted ice cream on the floor, kids with sticky hands and some hands in the air trying to pay and grab one of the cones. This is how you could spot the softy vendor on busy streets.

They got fancy when dipped into chocolate sauce or when they had dual flavors.

I remember them costing 5 rupees a cone. These were low cost — high joy category.

Parents never bought it for us without a trade-off. It would usually be “Have your dinner, then we will buy you Softy”.

Since kids lack bargaining skills, we just had to accept what was at the table.

Relishing this earned softy (just by having dinner!) after a meal was heavenly.

Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash


Somewhere as we grew up, we lost the sense of enjoying small joys in life.

When we were kids, joy was a simple softy cone.

Joy was playing hide and seek.

Joy was scaring your siblings in the dark and laughing till your stomach hurt.

As adolescents we forgot the innocent joy with all the competition and comparison in life.

Softy got replaced with expensive ice creams.

Hide and seek got replaced with video games and what not.

Scaring your siblings seemed silly.

We forgot laughing till our stomach hurt.

As adults, we can only reminisce these little things that gave us joy and try hard to feel it again.

But the innocence is gone, and you are bogged down by the miseries of life!

If only the joy of little things is instilled in our bones!

If only someone had taught us that little things matter!

If only we never grew up!



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